[CQ-Contest] QRP

Dale L Martin kg5u at hal-pc.org
Sat Mar 30 17:38:04 EST 2002

Who says that the filters and shift as we in the U.S. see it (700-800 Hz) is
standard in other parts of the world?  Could it be different elsewhere,
especially among foreign domestic radios? Could it be a design thing since
there may still be many homebrew transceivers over there...?

dale, kg5u

> > Ward, I have noticed this.  Perhaps it's just the fact that we work
> tons of
> > EU in DX contests here on the east coast and there's thus a noticeable
> > number of EU stations not zero beat.
> Gary,
> Your answer doesn't explain why a lot of Europeans tend to call *HIGHER*
> than zero beat, which was Ward's original observation. The fact that
> East Coast stations tend to work a lot of EU does explain why many East
> Coasters (as well as others) notice a large number of European off
> frequency callers, but it doesn't explain why more Europeans seem to
> call higher rather than lower.
> 73, Nat, WZ3AR
> <nat at ajheatwole.com>
> Greensboro, NC
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