[CQ-Contest] Re dit dit dit dit

Cormac, EI4HQ ei4hq at qsl.net
Tue May 14 20:05:24 EDT 2002

I'd refer you to the manual for Super Duper by EI5DI. SD allows you modify the keying characteristics to the extent that you can effectively emphasise certain parts of your call. I'm sure other programs (including CT 'tho I can't remember offhand), that use serial/parallel keying, also enable you do this.

For ages (I'm licenced 12+ years) my call has been regularly busted and copied as EI4SQ instead of the correct EI4HQ. A HUGE reduction in erreonous copies occurred when I introduced a somewhat longer delay after the last dit i.e. before commencing the Q

E as normal
I as normal 4 as normal
H <added delay>
Q as normal

This added delay need only be small and it seems to give the brain just that fraction longer to answer the question "...was that an S, a H or a 5?" Obviously the results are empirical but it certainly seems to have helped significantly reduce busted copies for me.

As an aside I occasionally get a misfortunate op. on the other side of a QSO who gets totally in knots with my call. It seems to be one of those thats honky dory as long as you don't stop and start thinking about it ;o) 

I wonder if theres any research into this phenomenon - are some character combinations genuinely easier than others?

Gud hunting

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