[CQ-Contest] Alas, if only we could do 'right'

Scott W4PA w4pa at yahoo.com
Fri Nov 1 09:19:24 EST 2002

a VK contester wrote:

>It would be great for you guy's in the US to re-assess your self
>imposed CW/SSB barriers...  Operating split on 7028/7245 (SSB) for one
>QSO made me feel uncomfortable, and while VK does not have any strict
>CW/SSB divisions, operating SSB below 7030 outside contests would be a
>bad sport.  From our licensing persepective, both are fully legal.

I am sure I'll get the flamethrower from the "we have too much
damn government" multitudes that populate our fine country,
but the debacle on the 160 meter band here in the United States
has proven that U.S. hams MUST have mode sub-bands dictated by
law.  We in the U.S. just LOVE to do anything LEGAL, with the
ethical and interpersonal questions be damned.  I can assure
you that the day the FCC removes sub-band restrictions in law
from U.S. amateur allocations is the day that CW and digital
modes will meet an untimely death, worldwide.  That would go
for contesting on those modes, too.

I'll shut up now.  GL to all this weekend.

Scott Robbins, W4PA

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