[CQ-Contest] newbies, QRS, etc
Jeffrey Clarke
ku8e1 at yahoo.com
Tue Nov 5 16:21:06 EST 2002
CW is dying only in the USA. It is strong and healthy in EU which we
will all see during CQWW DX CW in a few weekends....
Jeff KU8E
--- Chuck <discreetly_confidential at yahoo.com> wrote:
> Greetings!
> According to my limited perspective, it seems to
> me we have 4 distinct types of ops who get on
> during a contest.
> 1) the hardcore competitive type who will be
> there come hell, highwater, aurora, solar flares,
> Murphy, football, or meals. They'll work anyone
> anytime anywhere. Can be expected to be on, on
> some band, the entire time they are allocated to
> be on the air. Newbies, oldbies, and slowbies can
> count on having multiple chances to work them.
> These stations can be 'precopied' and the info
> saved so that all you have to do is copy the
> serial no (SERNO) of their Q, and hit 'ENTER' on
> the keyboard to have a valid Q when you DO work
> them. Hard core competitve types tend to not QRS
> if calling CQ and you call them. They expect that
> stations who answer thier CQ's should be able to
> keep up in some reasonable manner. They WILL QRS
> (usually) if asked but prefer that stations keep
> up with them. Many times their hand key/external
> keyer is set to a slowerspeed for just this
> purpose in case they need to hand key an exchange
> or part of one. They tend to think that if one
> is entering the SS, once should expect that there
> is a minimum level of competency expected and if
> new or unsure one should expect to need help or
> to be willing to put up with the expected higher
> level of required ability.
> 2) The competitive type who wants to do well in
> some personal category but will adapt to the
> conditions at their own station/life. They are
> usually on quite a bit, but they'll QSY/QRT
> depending on personal needs or mood. Newbies,
> oldbies, and slowbies can expect to find them
> on, more often than not, but should try to work
> them as they find them. Exchange can be
> 'precopied' like #1 but availbale opportunities
> to do so may be limited or sporadic. Same
> logging scenario. Copy current SERNO, insert
> precopied info, hit Enter and done. They tend to
> be very flexible to the speed of the station
> responding and will tend to auto-QRS without
> being asked. Tends to have SOME of the attitude
> of #1 in relation to the expecatations concerning
> people who participate in the SS, but more
> flexible in willingness to accomodate the
> slowbies or newbies.
> 3) The casual contester. They get on as the mood
> hits them and are interested in some personal
> goal such as beating their previous score,
> getting states for 5BWAS/WAS, practicing
> techniques or just having some fun in between
> other activities. Newbies, oldbies, and slowbies
> should strive to stick with these folks as much
> as they can and work them as they can. This
> station will QRS or tend to be a bit slower than
> the normal SS speed because they are not
> rate-focused and are not as tuned to that aspect,
> save when they get a run going if they choose to
> run stations. They tend to submit logs for
> scoring purposes. Very flexible in their
> attitude towards expectations that
> newbies/slowbies should have.
> 4) The non-contester. They get on to 'give the
> gang a few points', seek states/provinces for
> awards, check out their gear and antennas, and
> generally have a good time without any sense of
> interest in submitting a log. They will usually
> QRS without asking and tend to be more 'laid
> back'. Newbies, oldbies, and slowbies like these
> types because they have (usually) zero problems
> with speed of exchange since the non-contester is
> not into it for points, rate, or other contest
> specific reasons.
> I know.. these are generalized examples and there
> are sub-divisions within the categories. These
> are my own observations after many times opp'ing
> in the SS.
> Thoughts? I'm not looking for flames.. just
> thoughts and comments.
> 73
> Chuck K3FT
> If CW is dying.. why was 20/15 always filled with
> stations working each other? hmmm.
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