SO2R in SS... was [CQ-Contest] Pileup Management

Cqtestk4xs at Cqtestk4xs at
Wed Nov 6 07:31:33 EST 2002

VE4XT wrote:

Is SS an SO2R contest? I don't think so. Sure, people do SO2R. It's a great
contest to practise SO2R, particularly on Sunday. But when you have a
relatively small, fixed number of multipliers, the benefits of SO2R are not
as great as in, say, WW or WPX, which for everybody have unattainable
maximum amounts of multipliers. 

SS most definitely is a SO2R contest, but for a different reason than WPX.  

Yes, mults are not as important in this contest, but even a big gun station 
in FL is going to have a tough time finding a VI or PR station since we are 
looking away from them the whole contest.  I can't afford to bust up an 80 to 
100 hour S/Ping for one unless I have the machine going on a run frequency.  

The main reason it is an SO2R contest is that you start to run out of guys 
the second day.  In the last SSB SS my second radio was good for around 
100-150 qsos.  Maybe I would have worked them anyway.  Who knows.  I 
certainly am not talented enough on Saturday when I am running 120 per hour 
to use a second radio, but it sure makes a big difference on Sunday.

Bill K4XS

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