[CQ-Contest] Call Me Mr. Guilty

Ward Silver hwardsil at centurytel.net
Wed Nov 6 16:19:18 EST 2002

After reading yesterday's "Rate Sheet", CW enthusiasts may have had a momentary vision of Utopia with the Rate Sheet reporting a second CW version of both Sweepstakes and WAE.  Sorry for the false euphoria, folks.  Phone enthusiasts will now suspect me of being a closet CW elitist bent on world mode domination.  Well, maybe :-)

I would love to blame my egregious error on some obscure Microsoft bug, but it was due purely to editorial inattention during cut-and-paste operations - better known as "My Fault!"


1) Nov 9-10 is the RTTY weekend for WAE - not CW.
2) It's PHONE Sweepstakes on the 16th and 17th - not CW.

Apologies to all!

73, Ward N0AX
Editor, "Contester's Rate Sheet"

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