[CQ-Contest] Re: Log Checking

Doug Smith W9WI w9wi at w9wi.com
Wed Nov 13 11:16:40 EST 2002

> From: "Lee Hiers" <aa4ga at contesting.com>
> Basically, I had a multiplier removed because the other station 
> failed to log a QSO.

Obviously there are a variety of reasons why a QSO would not appear in the
other station's log.  

While I think it's unlikely this reason was what happened to Lee, I can
think of at least one situation where the not-in-log-real-QSO *should* cost
someone a mult..  And yes, I'm about to bring back up a past debate...

Specifically, when someone's running without IDing with reasonable

It is of course quite common in some contests to encounter people running
without IDing after every QSO.  When I run across an ending QSO, if I don't
*know* the running station is a dupe, (i.e., they didn't ID) I'll dump in my
call.  If the running station comes back, I say "CALL? 5NN 04".  Usually,
the response is something like "TU DX0XD".  However...

Sometimes the response is simply "TU".  I'll sit around for another QSO
(maybe more if they sent Zone 26<grin>) but if they haven't IDd by then, the
QSO is scratched.  

Now it's very unlikely anybody's going to lose their W or Zone 4 multiplier
that way!  It will show up as a bad QSO in the log-checking process.

And IMHO it should.  You obviously can't have a valid QSO if both operators
don't know each other's callsigns.  
Doug Smith W9WI
Pleasant View (Nashville), TN EM66

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