[CQ-Contest] Pirates, ghosts and things that go bump in the QRM

Mike Gilmer, N2MG n2mg at eham.net
Wed Nov 13 18:25:42 EST 2002

> > 1.  The other guy may have sent his call wrong. 
> Then the QSO should not be removed from my log.

How do you propose the log checking computers detect this?

> > 2. There may be a pirate using someone else's call or a fictional
> > call. 
> Since the pirate is probably not going to send in a log, it most 
> likely wouldn't result in a ding.

If the bootlegger were using the call of a station who was in the 
contest and who sent in a log, you'd get dinged.  Again, how would the 
log checkers ever detect what happened?

> > 3.  Someone may accidentally send someone else's call instead of 
> > his.  This is possible in some logging programs. (i.e. in CT hit F5 
> > instead of F4) 
> Then the QSO should not be removed from my log.  It is an error of 
> the sending station...but similar to #2 in that there probably won't 
> be a ding due to no log sent in under the wrong call.

Like #1 and #2, the log checkers have no way to know this.
> > 7. The other guy may have accidentally erased your call from his log. 
> Then *he* should be penalized, not me.

Do I need to say it again?  ;-) The log checking computer has no way to 
know this!  And, as with #1, #2, and #3,  without a tape recording, no 
one would.

> So there are lots of situations where it's not so cut-and-dried.  
> Yet, with a "rule" that says if you're NOL you're automatically SOL, 
> in some cases the offending station is not penalized, and the 
> innocent party is.
> That's why I don't like it.  Plus, it happened to me.

This happens to EVERYONE.  That's sort of the point - blindly equal treatment of all.

Mike N2MG

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