[CQ-Contest] Log Checking - you guys are right

Dale L Martin kg5u at hal-pc.org
Thu Nov 14 10:33:24 EST 2002

 QSO with the non-entering station is valid.
> Otherwise, I would suggest that if the other station does not send in
> a log, the credit should not be allowed for the QSO, because it is
> impossible to verify that such a QSO actually took place.  I think
> this should be implemented anyway for contests with no meaningful
> exchange, such as CQWW.


2001 SS CW Contest netted 1301 logs (eyeball count -- I may be off a couple)

Based on the above:

K5ZD, with 1300 Q's, worked "everyone."

But, then, the following worked more:
N2NT	1302
W4AN	1387
WP3R	1457
WP2Z	1314
W5WMU	1394
WX0B	1338
N5RZ	1343
W6EEN	1326
KH6J	1386
K9NS	1343
N9RV	1306
N2IC	1366
K0RF	1355
N0NI	1384

dale, kg5u

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