[CQ-Contest] Re: CQ-Contest digest, Vol 1 #483 - 14 msgs

Doug Smith W9WI w9wi at w9wi.com
Thu Nov 14 13:23:39 EST 2002

On Thu, Nov 14, 2002 at 10:42:04AM -0500, cq-contest-request at contesting.com wrote:
> > So there are lots of situations where it's not so cut-and-dried.  
> > Yet, with a "rule" that says if you're NOL you're automatically SOL, 
> > in some cases the offending station is not penalized, and the 
> > innocent party is.

It's certainly not hard to come up with situations where someone is
wrongfully penalized a QSO or two and maybe even a mult.  I suppose if
someone disliked me badly enough they could open "w9wi at hotmail.com", do a
search-and-replace on his previous year's Cabrillo file to change his
callsign to mine, send it to "sscw at arrl.org", and get me DQ'd.  Maybe N1ND
needs to start requiring one to submit one's membership control number with
one's entry so that they know it's really W9WI submitting that log?

(No, I'm *not* serious!)

The only way to be absolutely certain you never wrongly delete a QSO is to
never delete a QSO.  At which point the scores even less reflect the actual

There isn't $100,000 riding on the results of Phone SS.  Log checking isn't
perfect.  It's awfully good, and it's a whole lot better than it was a few
years ago.

> I'm going to have to disagree with Mark here.  Both CT and NA are
> notorious for sending the wrong QSO number by 1.  TRLog probably
> shares this characteristic.  This is especially true in multi-operator
> situations such as my operation at N6VR in last week's SS CW.  But
> even when operating as a single operator there are numerous scenarios
> where CT and NA will send the wrong QSO number.  Automatically
> penalizing either the receiving station or the transmitting station
> for this would contribute nothing that advances the purposes that log
> checking was intended for... It might, perhaps, automatically penalize
> operators that use computers for logging or automatically penalize
> multioperator stations.  I really don't believe this would contribute
> to the contesting art.

And I'm afraid I'll have to disagree with Leigh.  In this situation, the
transmitting operator should be penalized.  (yes, I realize it's the
*receiving* op who *will* be penalized)  

You're responsible for the operation of your station.  If your rig doesn't
refuse to transmit on 14.355, it's not Yaesu the FCC is going to cite.  You
know, or should know, what serial number your software is sending.  If that
number is wrong, then it's your responsibility to interrupt the computer and
send the *right* number.  

(I don't recall having to interrupt TR at any point during CW SS, except
when I typed the other guy's call wrong!)

Doug Smith W9WI
Pleasant View (Nashville), TN EM66

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