[CQ-Contest] Pirates, ghosts and things that go bump in the QRM
Steve Wedge
swedge at hologic.com
Thu Nov 14 15:05:47 EST 2002
> > 1. The other guy may have sent his call wrong.
> <snip>
> > 2. There may be a pirate using someone else's call or a fictional
> > call.
> <snip>
and on and on and on...
and I always enjoyed George Carlin's reason for not getting to mass on
Sunday: "and the chaplain goes into a coma and you're on a ship at
sea... But then, you cross the International Date Line!"
I usually just lurk here but this discussion is getting to be a bit
much. All of these scenarios are statistically in the noise. If
everyone is treated the same, as Mike said, the system "gets" everyone
It reminds me of an anecdote I heard recently, where a guy's parents had
just retired. His dad was an accountant and just a bit, shall we say,
"meticulous" (read: anal), his mom was the artistic type (read:
disorganised and/or sloppy). When his dad retired, he started looking
at the family checkbook, which mom had been keeping for years, and was
shocked to find that she never entered the cents, only the dollar
amounts. After spending the better part of a month straightening out
the register, the total error was around 15 cents. I suppose there
could be several morals to this story, but the obvious one is that some
things are not worth the effort. It's only if results are REALLY close
where it's going to matter.
Steve, W1ES
"Truth flies like an arrow. Fruit flies like a banana."
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