[CQ-Contest] Stirring the pot

Larry N7DF n7df at zianet.com
Fri Nov 15 07:58:15 EST 2002

Probably one of the reasons people are so "het up" over the issue of UBN's is the penalties assessed.
If the fault in creating a busted call in your log is the other guy's, why should you be penalized 3 QSOs?
Wouldn't it be fairer in the case of busted calls to simply delete the credit for the busted from your log?

Also, since the QSO was NOT a two way exchange, shouldn't it be deleted from the other station's log, too?

In the case of a "not in log" situation, however, the penalty should stay at three QSO's removed since this 
could conceivably be a case of claiming the QSO in hopes that the other station doesn't send in his log and
it will not be counted against the station claiming the QSO? 

If you really wanted to get nasty, if the claimed NIL QSO was a multiplier, penalized the offense by removing three multipliers!

I strongly agree with the people who have said that contesting is about making valid two way QSOs. 
If it is not two way it is not a QSO on the part of either station. 
The most important part of the exchange is the callsigns of both the stations.

In SS the exchange is equally important.  How about the ultimate in nastiness and assessing a penalty for each miscopied element of the exchange: 
3 QSOs for the callsign wrong and 1 QSO for each error in number, precedence, check or section?

BTW since I am in zone 4 but CT always shows me as being in zone 3 should I be penalized each time the other station has me as zone 3 in his log?
He should be, since I always send the 04 and if he doesn't catch it that is his fault.

I wonder if our esteemed log checkers could see how many times the wrong zone is shown in DX logs for some recent contests.

Number seven Desert Fox

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