[CQ-Contest] Harrassment?

KØHB k0hb at earthlink.net
Tue Nov 19 05:20:51 EST 2002

Hey, if someone else sends your CQ's for you, then aren't you a multi-op or assisted entry?  <grin>  (Or have you broken the rule about "all the antennas and equipment in a 500 meter circle"?) <BSEG>

ô¿ô  73, de Hans, K0HB
  Help support youth involved in Amateur Radio.
  ----- Original Message ----- 
  From: KI9A at aol.com 

  14.284, Saturday evening, some clown did a recording of me calling CQ. It he was very strong, but lasted about 5 min. It stopped when I thanked him for confirming my audio was loud & clear. then, I shut up, let him call cq a couple times, & worked the guys that came back!!! hehehe

  73-Chuck KI9A

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