[CQ-Contest] 10 Meters in SS

John Rippey w3uls at 3n.net
Wed Nov 27 13:55:25 EST 2002

I just have to add this little fillip to the previous thread.

My wife was listening this a.m. to "Dr. Laura" on a local AM station. A 
10-yr-old boy called in to complain that because his mother watched Dr. 
Laura every day he couldn't do something he wanted to. Dr. Laura explained 
that his mother could not be watching her because she (Dr. Laura) only has 
a radio show. The boy insisted his mother "watched" Dr. Laura. After a 
while it became clear the boy had no idea what Dr. Laura was referring to 
when she used the word "radio" and that for him the notion of "radio" was a 
foreign concept.

John, W3ULS

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