[CQ-Contest] 1 Week until the 45th Annual Pa QSO Party

Ron Notarius WN3VAW wn3vaw at fyi.net
Fri Oct 4 20:46:03 EDT 2002

Warm up this weekend with the Ca QSO Party -- and then come out next week
for the 45th Annual Pennsylvania QSO Party, sponsored by the Nittany Amateur
Radio Club, will take place October 12th & 13th.  Look for activity from all
67 PA counties; from an assortment of portables, mobile & rover stations;
from special event stations; and from stations sitting on county lines.

While much of the activity will be on 80 and 40 meters, you will find
stations to work on all bands, and all are welcome!  For the in-state
participants, the multipliers are the total number of counties AND the
ARRL/RAC Sections (including 1 for DX), so all stations everywhere are
eagerly sought.

One of the unique things of this contest is the Special Event Bonus
station -- a different one every year, this station not only highlights the
sponsoring club or organization, but is worth 200 points per QSO.  This
year's Special Event Station is W3FRC (operating from the K3ANS
superstation), highlighting the 75th Anniversary of the Frankford Radio
Club.  The FRC is offering their own set of awards during their anniversary
year, so if you're looking for FRC members to work for these, the Pa QSO
Party gives you a perfect opportunity to do so!

Complete rules and entry forms can be found at

For those who want to read further, some of the highlights:

OPERATING PERIODS - 1600Z October 12 to 0500Z October 13 and 1300Z October
13 to 2200Z October 13, 2002 -- yes, there is an 8 hour overnight break!
FREQUENCIES:  SSB: 1850, 3980, 7280, 14280, 21380, 28310, 50.125, 146.55
(12,17,30 meter QSOs NOT permitted.)
CW: 40 KHz up from the bottom and 1810 KHz.
160 METERS - Try at 0300Z Sunday. Follow 160 Band Plan, CW - 1.800-1.830,
SSB - above 1.850
TECH & TECH PLUS: 28310, 50.125, 146.55
MOBILE WINDOW - 5 KHz below listed frequencies. KEEP CLEAR FOR WEAK MOBILES.

SPECIAL HIGH BAND ACTIVITY PERIODS - Saturday & Sunday: 10m - 1800z, 15m -
1900z, 20m - 2000z

SSB on the hour, CW on the half hour!! (Great way to increase your

Association of Canada (RAC) section. Stations on county lines will give out
ONE serial number per contact but all counties may be counted as
multipliers. Work stations once per band and once per mode. Work mobiles and
Rovers again as they change counties.
QSO POINTS - CW QSOs on 160 and 80 - 2 points, Other CW QSOs - 1.5 points,
SSB/FM QSOs - 1 point

Pennsylvania Stations: ARRL sections + RAC sections + PA Counties + 1 for
DX. (152 total)
Out-of-State Stations: Pennsylvania Counties (67 total)
FINAL SCORE - Total Points X Total Multipliers
QRP BONUS MULTIPLIER - Multiply your final score by 2 if less than 5 watts
NOVICE/TECH BONUS MULTIPLIER - Multiply your final score by 3 if a Novice or
PA MOBILE BONUS POINTS - If mobile, add 500 points for each county operated
from (10 QSOs Minimum).
PA ROVERS BONUS POINTS - Add 500 points for every location operated from (10
QSOs Minimum).
SPECIAL EVENT STATION - Each year, a different Pennsylvania Club will set up
and operate a special event station as part of the contest. The Frankford
Radio Club (FRC), W3FRC, is this year's special event station. This
operation is a part the commemoration of the 75th anniversary of the
founding of the FRC.  Add 200 points to your final score for each QSO with
W3FRC after all other bonuses have been taken.

ENTRY DIVISIONS - Single op medium power (150W), Single op QRO, QRP (5W); CW
ONLY (single op, 150 watts max); Multi-single, Multi-multi, Portable (single
op or multi-single only), Novice/Technician, Mobile, Rover. NOTE: QRP is
defined as all contacts on any radio running 5 W or less. NOTE: Single ops
and multi-single - ONLY ONE SIGNAL on air at one time!

AWARDS - Plaques to top scores in all entry divisions plus single op
out-of-state plaque for winner in Eastern, Central, and Western Time zones,
single op med & high power EPA, single op med & high power WPA, plus others
as warranted. Plaque to top Canadian entry. Certificates to county and
section winners. Trophy to Club winner. (Plaque in "Rover" and Canadian
division if enough entries). Out-of-State Medium Power & OOS QRP plaques.
Anyone who makes 100 QSOs during the Party is eligible for a handsome PA QSO
Party Coffee Mug personalized with your call. To order, include your log
showing 100 or more QSOs and a check for $15.00 made payable to "NARC".
contesters, a plaque will be awarded to the top single operator entry from
Pennsylvania who enters the Party for the first time. If you got your feet
wet logging or operating briefly at a multi-op station you're still
eligible. Attention Clubs , encourage your new members to get on and compete
for this handsome plaque. This is not intended for "Big Guns" from other

LOGS AND DUPE SHEETS - Logs and dupe sheets must be submitted with an
official summary form or reasonable facsimile. 100 points will be deducted
for each dupe found. The summary sheet can be downloaded from the web site.
SEND LOGS by Nov. 16, 2002 to: PA QSO Party 2002, c/o Nittany Amateur Radio
Club, P.O. Box 614, State College, PA 16804-0614.  A DONATION of $2.00 or
more with your entry will help defray the costs of mailing, printing, etc.
and would be greatly appreciated. PLEASE NO SASEs - they only get lost.


...and look for me during the contest weekend.  Due to some scheduling
concerns, I will probably be operating my home station.  But look for my
club's two club stations, N3SH/3 Clarion/Forest County Line, or WA3SH/3
Westmoreland/Somerset County Line; and for club member N3ZNI (with KB3GOT) &
former member N3WAV running around mobile throughout the 33 counties of
Western PA.

Disclaimer:  I am not now a member of the Nittany ARC and/or the Pa QSO
Party committee, just an active participant.  And I promise to not follow
the example of the QSO Party of the State of Chads (that's "chad" as in
paper ballots, not the DXCC entity) by innundating the reflector with daily
posts, probably one last one right before the contest.

73, ron wn3vaw

"And they give you cash,
which is just as good as money!"
Yogi Berra, AFLAC Commercial, 2002

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