[CQ-Contest] TS-850 vs. TS-940

Chris Tran GM3WOJ gm3woj at talk21.com
Mon Sep 2 16:43:16 EDT 2002

Hi Jim and all

I went over the same question recently - I bought a TS-940 to use as a
second radio
beside my 1000MP, and was very disappointed with it - I've now replaced the
with an 850, having had an 850 in the early 90's.   The 850 is a much better
radio all
round.  The 940 looked and felt like a good solid radio, but it's electrical
was poor.

TS-940's were manufactured between 1985 and 1992 (approximately) and are now
showing lots of  faults - they are mostly now inherently unreliable, but
maybe not as bad as
the TS-930's.  It was a great radio in its day, but things have moved on.
Buy the 850,
fit 1.8kHz SSB and 250Hz CW INRAD filters (not wider ones) and you won't
regret it for a
moment !

Chris    GM3WOJ

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