[CQ-Contest] CQ CQ K4 V2 KP4 KP2 FM 8P and P4
Ron Notarius WN3VAW
wn3vaw at fyi.net
Sat Sep 14 14:13:53 EDT 2002
I sure hope for your sake that your future XYL doesn't have an objection...
My first honeymoon (early 1980's) was in St. Thomas USVI. Had snuck the HT
along, never ended up using it. Biggest clue was when doing some
sightseeing the first evening, I spotted the tower of the late KV4AA, and
when I openly expressed some curiousity about it, I got a dirty look and a
later lecture on how she didn't want to spend her honeymoon around radios...
which is one of the many reasons it didn't work out, but that's another
My second honeymoon (1992) was in Puerto Rico. Also brought the HT along,
even had made arrangements to meet up with a few local hams, but chickened
out -- the previous experience had an effect. So wouldn't you know it, at
the end of the week, we're getting on the shuttle bus from the rental car
place when I spot the driver's 2M HT (I'd say who if I could remember the
call). We had a nice, short chat on the way to the terminal!On the plane
home, I found out that if I HAD broken the HT out, she not only wouldn't
have minded, but would have enjoyed a visit! Live & learn...
So, I sure hope your fiance likes amateur radio!
73, ron wn3vaw
When asked "If you had been in President Clinton's place, would you have
Republican Member of the House of Representatives Dick Armey replied:
"If I were in the President's place, I would not have gotten a chance to
resign. I would be laying in a pool of my own blood, hearing Mrs. Armey
standing over me saying, "How do I reload this damn thing?"
----- Original Message -----
From: "IK0XBX Francesco Fucelli" <ffucell at tin.it>
To: <cq-contest at contesting.com>
Date: Sat, 14 Sep 2002 01:20:44 +0200
Organization: IK0XBX
Subject: [CQ-Contest] CQ CQ K4 V2 KP4 KP2 FM 8P and P4
Dear friends,
from 25 september to 15 october i'll be in honey moon in the carribean sea,
i'll be very happy to meet some OM during this period.
This is my program:
25 september and 14 october Miami
from 26 september to 5 october in V2
6 and 13 october in KP4
7 october in KP2
8 october in FM
9 october in 8P
11 october in P4
if you want to meet me in this places send me an email at ffucell at tin.it =
before 20 september.
Best 73 de Francesco IK0XBX
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