[CQ-Contest] MiQP Operating Tips

David A. Pruett k8cc at comcast.net
Wed Apr 16 23:27:03 EDT 2003

For those of us planning to spend some time in the 2003 Michigan QSO Party 
this weekend, the MiQP web site http://www.miqp.org has a pair of operating 
tip files to help get the most out of the event.  "MiQP Operating Tips" by 
K8CC is aimed at Michigan stations, while "MiQP - The Out Of State 
Perspective" by KU8E gives strategies for out-state entrants.

Full rules for the 2003 MiQP are at http://www.miqp.org/MiQP_Rules.htm.

Dave Pruett, K8CC

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