[CQ-Contest] PJ2T Availabilities

otterstad at enter.vg otterstad at enter.vg
Mon Apr 28 11:12:53 EDT 2003

> With the general worldwide decline in travel, there 
are still some unbooked
> contesting opportunities at the Curacao PJ2T QTH:
is now complete with the construction of the Europe 
Beverage> (1000 ft) 

It works like magic !!!! hi

PJ2T has probably the best DX QTH in that hemisphere 
judging by the signals we are hearing over here !

Well done, Geoff

73  Rag LA5HE

and a 15 meter monobander (5 elements on 36 foot boom) 
for US/JA.
> All four stations are now running at a full KW, and 
the computer network is
> now 100% Ethernetted Pentiums. There are three FT-
1000s. Writelog is our standard logging software -- it 
has performed flawlessly in recent
> mega-operations. And the BEST part? Two cushy 
adjustable new Hon office chairs.   :)
> Please see http://asgard.kent.edu/ccc for all of the 
details about the
> station, the QTH, and terms. Also, I'm happy to 
respond to your questions
> by E-mail or by phone at 1.330.628.5707.
>    73,
>         - Geoff, W0CG, PJ2T Rental Coordinator

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