[CQ-Contest] EU Sprint SSB - Results

I2UIY i2uiy at cqww.com
Fri Aug 1 17:30:19 EDT 2003

Thanks to a great publicity effort there was a good turnout in 
the Spring EU SSB Sprint, with high scores and plenty of log 
entries. Congratulations to the top three who all broke the 200 
QSO barrier.

The very strong record of wins from Lithuania continues, this 
time Roli LY2FY leads by a comfortable margin over Rob 
RK3AWL and Ton ES5TV. That part of northern Europe 
accounted for the top eight entries this time. 20 metres was 
the strongest band for most, and everyone struggled during 
the last hour of the contest on 80 metres. 

Some highlights: operating from LY1YK's station, LY2FY 
achieved the 2nd highest SSB score ever, just one QSO 
behind the record held by ZD8Z since 1996. RK3AWL and 
ES5TV achieved the third and fourth highest scores ever, 
and RK3AWL made 119 QSOs on 20m, the second highest 
ever 20m score. RK3AWL was operated by UA3ASZ 
(a first time entrant) from the RL3A Club station using rotary 
quad antennas from 20 to 80m. Once more we enjoyed 
seeing several participants belonging to WWYC - World 
Wide Young Contesters. Welcome guys!

Callsign errors were a big source of lost points. Remember 
that the sprint rules say that both calls must be sent by 
each station. This helps to reduce callsign errors, and by 
sending your call at the end of your exchange when you 
are to stay on the frequency, you can signal to others that 
you are ready to be called. This is explained more fully on 
the web site <www.qsl.net/eusprint>. 

Thanks for your entries and we'll see you in the Autumn Sprints! 


Results of the European Sprint SSB Contest (April/12/2003)
Manager G4BUO

     Call           Name        Q's  80  40  20  
  1. LY2FY          ROLI        236  52  84 100
  2. RK3AWL         ROB         227  31  77 119
      (Opr. UA3ASZ)
  3. ES5TV          TON         210  44  63 103
  4. LY2BM          RIM         188  40  65  83
  5. YL7A           PETER       185  29  73  83
  6. ES5RY          TOM         180  22  59  99
  7. LY9A           GED         177  23  43 111
      (Opr. LY3BA)
  8. SP9LJD         LES         172  35  49  88
  9. IK2HKT         STEN        167  41  63  63
 10. I2CZQ          PETER       164  36  65  63
 11. G0MTN          LEE         160  27  64  69
     GM3POI         CLIVE       160  38  52  70
 13. OK2FD          KAR         159  47  60  52
 14. IK2ANI         ALDO        154  33  51  70
 15. HG5Z           GYURI       153  35  51  67
     OE2LCM         GUN         153  35  54  64
 17. M0BBB          STEVE       149  29  53  67
 18. G4BUO          DAVE        148  24  55  69
     EN1U           SERGE       148  22  44  82
      (Opr. UX1UA)
 20. 9A7P           LEE         140  38  53  49
      (Opr. 9A6XX)
 21. EI4BZ          DAVE        138  30  38  70
 22. IZ8CGS         GIAN        137   0  49  88
 23. IT9VCE         AL          133  12  47  74
 24. ON6NL          ANTON       132  34  50  48
 25. LY1FW          GED         131  35  19  77
 26. OK1DRQ         PAVEL       123  45  49  29
 27. YU1ZZ          MILAN       119  39  46  34
     I0JFE          JOHN        119  20  43  56
 29. M5ARC/P        JIM         118  33  40  45
 30. I4AUM          GUS         113  10  57  46
 31. LY2OM          JON         108  15  32  61
 32. OH4RH          MAURI       107  10  41  56
 33. UA3VFS         ALEX        104   3  46  55
 34. UY7C           MAX         103  19  26  58
      (Opr. UR3CMA)
     PA0RCT         REIN        103  27  51  25
 36. G4BWP          FRED         95   0  49  46
 37. LZ1DM          PLAM         91  24   0  67
     IN3FHE         INA          91  15  39  37
 39. UA3DLD         ALEX         89  16   8  65
 40. I2UIY          PAOLO        84  24   1  59
 41. OK2BND         JAN          83  20  23  40
 42. IS0LLJ         ANNA         80   0  23  57
 43. IK2YYS         WAL          78  11  27  40
 44. DK5LF          BERT         74  18  37  19
     OK1FJD         DAVID        74  22  24  28
 46. F5VHN          ROB          73  19  25  29
     M5RIC          RICK         73   1  45  27
 48. IZ1ANK         STEVE        71  12  24  35
 49. UY5ZZ          VLAD         70   0   0  70
 50. RA3TT          NICK         67   0   0  67
     IZ7EDQ         LEO          67   0  15  52
 52. LY2UF          MINDIS       63   6  42  15
 53. LZ2UZ          KRIS         61   0   4  57
 54. EI7CC          PETE         60   0  23  37
 55. M0GEB          GRAHAM       59   3  27  29
     LY2OX          TED          59  18   0  41
 57. LZ9R           NAS          56   0   0  56
      (Opr. LZ3YY)
 58. GW4BLE         STEVE        55  22  33   0
 59. ON5ZO          ZEP          53  26  11  16
 60. EI8IU          BRIAN        50   9  13  28
 61. YO3CZW         MARIUS       49   8  11  30
 62. IZ8FEN         CARMINE      46   3  16  27
 63. HB4FL          MIKE         43   8  17  18
      (Opr. HB9REZ)
     9A5KV          FREDI        43   8  15  20
 65. YL2PA          OT           41   0   6  35
 66. ON5SD          JOS          40   0  15  25
 67. MI5JYK/P       PETE         32   0   0  32
 68. OK1FHI         RADEK        30   0   6  24
 69. DJ1OJ          HEIJO        27   0   0  27
 70. M0MAT          MAT          24   0   6  18
     EA8/SM6X       LEN          24   0   0  24
      (Opr. SM6CLU)
 72. UA9FM          ALEX         22   0   0  22
 73. EA3FHP         JOSEP        19   0   0  19
     SM5IMO         DAN          19   0   8  11
     IK2SAE         PAOLO        19   2   2  15
 76. VU3DJQ         RAM          18   0   0  18
     F8CFE          STEVE        18   0   0  18
 78. UT5UGR         DIM          16  16   0   0
 79. IK1VEK         RENATO        9   0   0   9
 80. SP8ONB         JACK          8   2   0   6
 81. SM6D           DAN           3   0   0   3
 82. MM0ANT         RAB           1   1   0   0
more on <www.qsl.net/eusprint>

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