[CQ-Contest] N.A. Off-Time Strategy WAE-CW

Eric Hall, K9GY K9GY at ix.netcom.com
Wed Aug 6 15:01:32 EDT 2003

Off time strategy in the WAE for S/O is always an interesting adventure.

Generally though for Eastern NA stations you will want to maximize the low
bands due to the multiplier bonus. That said you will want to go from the
of the contest until at least EU sunrise (approx 06z) then check 20m because
20m starts hopping if condx are decent. Run 20m dry (maybe 0730-08z) then
take a short snooze until shortly before local sunrise (0930-10z) coming
back to 20m then transitioning to 15m when it opens up.

Run all day Saturday and repeat the same steps as above. Take the rest
(and last segment) of time off at the very end of the contest.

That all assumes that you can function half way decently on 1.5 hrs sleep
each night. You will definitely sleep well on Sunday afternoon! I have
recently had a lot of success with the 20 minute power naps. You will feel
sleepie initially when the 20 mins are up but it sure helps later on.

The strategy is very similiar to the ARRL Sweepstakes where your Q's are
front loaded at the beginning of the contest and things slow down in the
later parts of the second day. Off times are sometimes dictated by Mother
Nature since thunderstorms are always possible.

WAE is always interesting because you have to balance QTC sending with
getting more QSOs in order to send QTCs. The WAEDC is my favorite
contest because of it's uniqueness.

Thanks to Fred K3ZO and Paul K4JA for their input on this topic over the

Good Luck, Have Fun, and BECOME RADIO-ACTIVE!
Eric K9GY

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