[CQ-Contest] Re: No QSL - No QSO

sawyered at earthlink.net sawyered at earthlink.net
Thu Aug 7 07:03:39 EDT 2003

I support anyone's right to decide who they want to QSO in a contest.
Clearly the one's who make this choice aren't caring whether they win,
they are making a political statement.  Good for them.

Personally, I respond to all SASE cards within a few weeks but no cards without, but put them in the buro pile.  
I do buro cards like twice a year and find it difficult to keep up with them.
I am looking forward to LOTW and will take the stance, at that time,
of stopping buro cards and saying that my contest Q is readily confirmable on that.
If you want an actual QSL card, send an SASE, otherwise you don't really want it that bad.

I am curious as to how long some of these stations who choose not to QSO the non-QSLers,
wait in order to make that decision.  It looks like buro cards can easily
take a year to 3 years going full circle from the date of the contact.

Its funny that this discussion is happening on the eve before the buro becomes almost obsolete...



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