R: [CQ-Contest] WAEDC CW coming up!

Soro Roberto roberto.soro at sia.it
Thu Aug 7 17:52:30 EDT 2003

Dear Ben and all,

for what it's worth, I'm having problem replying to both your
e-mail addresses:

dl6rai at dxhf.darc.de    and   dl6rai at darc.de

and that's why I sned this mail to the reflector.

So I already know I will have problems in sending the log in.

But that will be later, in any case, 
I will surely be on, and for a serious effort, I hope.

I won't be #1 EU, for sure, but I will try for the Top Ten box!

GL and cu in contest.

Bob,I2WIJ (IR2V in contest)

mailto:i2wij at qsl.net

-----Messaggio originale-----
Da: Bernhard Buettner [mailto:dl6rai at dxhf.darc.de]
Inviato: mercoledì 6 agosto 2003 8.33
A: roberto.soro at sia.it
Oggetto: WAEDC 2003 (CW) reminder

Dear Roberto, IR2V!

The WAE DX Contest 2003 CW is coming up this weekend! The HF bands will
be filled with stations asking for "QTC?" - the characteristic signal of 
the WAEDC.

I would like to invite you to take part in this European event and make 
it more interesting by being on the air. If you have only little time, 
just get on for a few hours! Or if time permits, try to become #1 from 
your continent and receive a beautiful plaque!  

Here are the dates for the 2002 events:

                         CW: August 9/10, 2003
                        SSB: September 13/14, 2003
                       RTTY: November 8/9, 2003
        starting 00:00 UTC Saturday --- ending 23:59 UTC Sunday
73 Ben, DL6RAI
[] Bernhard (Ben) Buettner, DL6RAI - WAE-DX-Contest Manager
[] E-Mail: dl6rai at dxhf.darc.de   Phone: +49-89-943663   Fax: +49-89-943191

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