[CQ-Contest] spotted calls veracity

Chuck discreetly_confidential at yahoo.com
Wed Dec 3 13:59:58 EST 2003

--- "Hanlon, Steve" wrote:
I look at the spotting clusters as a shortcut
when S&P'ing....if it turns out to be incorrect,
....that is part of the "game"

As Steve notes.. the Cluster spots ONLY provide
you with information that SOMETHING you need has
been spotted. No guarantee it's accurate, heard
by the spotter, or even on the air.  It's a
'trigger' to key you to go listen and verify it
for yourself.

I quickly learn WHO can be reasonably expected to
spot valid and actually ON THE AIR AND WORKABLE
(by me) stations.  THOSE spots I tend to view
with much greater relevance and will expect to
find the station that was spotted.

Of course, I learn WHOSE spots are are (shall I
say) 'less than reputable' and therefore don't
catch my interest until I either decide to go
listen OR see it spotted by a station to whom
I've developed some kind of trust in providing
good spots.

Your mileage may vary, of course, but it works
well, for me.


Chuck K3FT

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