[CQ-Contest] RE: My Friend Spotted me

Steve Root steve.root at culligan4water.com
Thu Dec 4 12:51:16 EST 2003

Last weekend I was nowhere near a Packet connection.  And I certainly didn't
ask any MWA members before the contest if they would spot me if they heard
me.  As it was, I was spotted a couple of times by club members.  I was also
spotted a couple of time by Europeans.  And most interesting, I was spotted
by another Stateside station that's not in my club, and doesn't live
anywhere near me.  Wouldn't ALL of those spots look the same on your screen,
or potentially have the same effect on my score?  What difference does it
make who originated the spot, as long as 1) You didn't originate it
yourself, and 2) You didnt make arrangements for someone else to do so.

73 Steve K0SR

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