[CQ-Contest] ARRL CW Operator

Rick Dougherty NQ4I nq4i at contesting.com
Fri Dec 5 11:01:51 EST 2003

Hello all....We are looking for a hot-shot cw operator who would like to
join us at NQ4I for the ARRL CW Contest...we offer good equipment, good
antennas, good "Southern" hospitality, and the challenge of  operating from
the SE US...(doesn't have the same advantage the NE US has)...we prefer
someonewho can take a band and 'run with it'....planning for 6 main
operators and 3-4 supplemental operators....we use FT-1000MP's and Alpha
amps...if this is interesting to you lets talk off-line and see where it
leads...thanks de Rick

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