[CQ-Contest] Oh well, there's always next year...

Rex Maner k7qq at netzero.net
Mon Dec 15 06:35:58 EST 2003

This must be a big Mystery,  Does EU actually exist.    There were tons of
JA's out here, maybe 6 or 7 anyway.

Must be rough having and hour of EU.  and all those mults.


----- Original Message ----- 
From: "Ron Notarius WN3VAW" <wn3vaw at fyi.net>
To: "CQ Contest" <cq-contest at contesting.com>
Sent: Sunday, December 14, 2003 22:47
Subject: [CQ-Contest] Oh well, there's always next year...

> Was it my imagination, or were conditions downright terrible today
> in the contest?  If 10 was open to EU for more than about an hour or so
> today, I'd be downright surprised...  Wish now my boss had given me
> yesterday instead of today off, sounded (from what I overheard this
> afternoon) that condx were much better on Saturday.  Of course, having a
> snowstorm dumping 7" all morning around here didn't help!
> Thanks to all who managed to pull my signal out today.  Special thanks to
> Bill W3WH who was not only kind enough to loan me his shack for the day
> (even if I gave up in order to drive home before the slush turned to ice),
> but let me once again play with his Orion while doing so.  (I know what I
> want under the tree.  I'm not going to get one, mind you, but you never
> know... <g>)
> 73, ron wn3vaw
> "What's the point in being crazy if you can't have a little fun with it?"
> -- Russell Crowe portraying John Nash, "A Beautiful Mind"
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