[CQ-Contest] Six Meter Contest

Mark Beckwith mark at concertart.com
Wed Dec 17 15:50:21 EST 2003

Ken said:

>>Having just operated the ARRL 10 Meter Contest this weekend, I think
>>one of the big contest sponsors (ARRL, CQ, or maybe NCJ) should sponsor a
>>similar Six Meter Contest.  Six Meters is a great band, and is the obvious

Bob said:

>Uh, there are a few of them every year.  The next one is the
>January VHF contest.  The exchange is your grid square.

I don't think the ARRL's VHF contests are comparable to the potential for
Ken's idea.  Frankly, I'd love to see a CW contest on 6M.  How politically
incorrect of me.

Mark, N5OT

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