[CQ-Contest] 9A CW Contest this weekend

Hrvoje Horvat hrle at ipazin.net
Fri Dec 19 12:37:12 EST 2003

Hello dear contesters,

Croatian CW Contest 2003 is sheduled for this weekend.

What can you find out about this contest?

- Rules for this small lovely contest on:
- Results of 9A CW Contest 2002 (Croatian only, if you need help let me
- Writelog .dll plugin by 9A5K here:

There is large amount of plaques that are regulary sent for this contest.
For non-9A section there is about 20 plaques availeable which is more then
in any other contest beside WW & WPX (as far as I know). Winning those nice
plaques is very easy even if you're not anything close to a big gun.

Hope to hear you there!
73 de Hrle - 9A6XX, NY6W

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