[CQ-Contest] Eu Sprint Contest - SSB Result

I2UIY i2uiy at cqww.com
Sun Dec 21 11:02:16 EST 2003

European Sprint Contest - Autumn SSB -  October 4, 2003

Wow! After events like this we love the Sprint even more!
There were many "first times" in this SSB Sprint: for the
first time we received more than 100 logs (101); for the
first time we handled more than 10,000 QSOs; for the first
time Ton, ES5TV, won the Sprint. Once again we welcome aboard
many members of WWYC - World Wide Young Contesters, these
young guys are really rolling!

Once again 20m was the key band with 5 stations over the 100
QSOs mark. Forty was great while 80 suffered because everyone
spent most of their time on the other bands.

At his second attempt Ton ES5TV did it. He beat Roli, LY2FY,
and Ruslan, UA3ASZ, who operated from the RK3AWL superstation.
Only LY4AA was up there with these three, all the others were
at least 30 QSOs behind.

News is on the Eu Sprint webpage (www.qsl.net/eusprint). Here you
will find everything about the Eu Sprint: rules in several languages,
results, prizes and software to download. The Eu Sprint is now
supported by Writelog.

The UBN, as usual, will be public and available for everyone on
our web page, just click on a callsign to see the UBN report.
If you have any questions pertaining to the log checking procedure,
please don't hesitate to ask.
More: are you curious to know how many errors you "produced" in
someone else's log? Visit the UBN section and find out!

Thanks for your entry!
Seasons Greetings, 73.

Paolo - I2UIY & the Eu Sprint Gang


Results of the European Sprint Contest SSB held on October 4, 2003.

 Cl. Callsign       Name        Q's  80  40  20  
  1. ES5TV          TON         235  52  75 108
  2. LY2FY          ROLI        233  47  95  91
     RK3AWL         ROB         233  44  84 105
  4. LY4AA          SAM         222  36  79 107
  5. G4PIQ/P        ANDY        204  39  76  89
  6. LY9A           GED         202  32  70 100
  7. OK2FD          KAR         184  44  74  66
  8. ES5RY          TOM         168  27  62  79
  9. IQ2CJ          LUCA        167  27  77  63
 10. EA5DFV         JOSE        166  14  54  98
     UA4FER         IGOR        166  11  51 104
 12. G3AB           ANDY        165  23  56  86
     IK2HKT         STEN        165  32  64  69
 14. YL7A           PETER       164  13  60  91
 15. GM3POI         CLIVE       160  23  57  80
 16. G0MTN          LEE         159  23  50  86
     IK2ANI         ALDO        159  18  67  74
 18. EN1U           SERGE       150  17  45  88
 19. 9A7P           LEE         149  20  65  64
 20. EI4BZ          DAVE        146  31  39  76
 21. HG5Z           GYURI       144  33  59  52
 22. S53EO          MIL         139  27  61  51
 23. DJ9MH          HAJO        137  29  68  40
     LY1FW          GED         137  31  50  56
 25. I0JFE          JOHN        135  21  51  63
 26. G0AEV          STEVE       134  32  43  59
 27. IK2CIO         VINI        133  22  56  55
 28. RK9CWW         MIKE        127   0  29  98
 29. F6GOX          LOU         121  19  53  49
 30. HA1ZN          ZSOLT       120  23  50  47
 31. 7S3A           JAN         115  16  28  71
 32. I2UIY          PAOLO       114   9  42  63
     SM4AIO         ERNIE       114  17  27  70
 34. M5RIC/P        RICK        112  21  45  46
 35. DL5AXX         ULF         109  26  55  28
     SN5Z           TOLA        109  23  36  50
 37. EI7CC          PETE        108  15  31  62
 38. T91EDK         ENES        103  22  36  45
 39. OK1QM          JAN         102  19  33  50
     SM3X           LARS        102  17  28  57
 41. PA0MIR         NICO        100  29  42  29
 42. YO3CZW         MARIUS       99  16  41  42
 43. S50C           GORAN        97  19  41  37
 44. ZA/UT7DW       ALEX         95   0  33  62
     ON5SD          JOS          95  12  36  47
     IN3FHE         INA          95  11  49  35
     OK1KZ          PAUL         95  28  39  28
 48. G4AXX          MARK         90  17  40  33
 49. 9A5KV          FREDI        87  16  31  40
 50. M0BLF/P        LID          83   0  24  59
 51. LY2OX          TED          82   0   5  77
     F5VHN          ROB          82  15  37  30
     EA4AFP         PEPE         82   0   0  82
 54. LY2OM          JON          81  14  12  55
 55. G4DRS          JOHN         78  20  22  36
 56. SK3W           DAN          76   0   4  72
     LA6FJA         RAG          76  18  25  33
     UA1OMZ         SAM          76   0  37  39
 59. OK2DU          BAC          75  17  25  33
     OK2BND         JAN          75  14  35  26
 61. IZ8FDG         WAL          72   1  36  35
     UT2CQ          PAVEL        72  13  17  42
 63. A45WD          ALEX         71   0   0  71
 64. ON4MGY         NIC          70  12  23  35
     PF9A           MARTIN       70   7  37  26
 66. OK1SMU         JAN          66  25  41   0
 67. UY0MF          GEO          64   0  11  53
     RA3XO          SANY         64   0  14  50
 69. M0GEB          GRAHAM       63  10  11  42
     IS0LLJ         ANNA         63   0  27  36
 71. M0RHI          LID          62   5  27  30
 72. LY3BU          JON          55   6  19  30
 73. LY2CX          VIG          52  13  13  26
 74. HB9REZ         MIKE         50   4  17  29
 75. OK2PTZ         TOM          49   0  12  37
 76. ON5ZO          ZEP          47   0  47   0
     F5NBX          FRED         47   0   0  47
 78. IZ2FME         MIKE         43   0   0  43
 79. 4X1HJ          ITZIK        42   0   0  42
 80. HB9DVD         MARC         37   1   6  30
 81. OH1MM          PASI         35   0   0  35
 82. DL6RAI         BEN          34   0   0  34
 83. G0MRH          RON          31   9   6  16
 84. PA3GGW         MARCEL       30   6  12  12
 85. M3PHP          PETER        28   0   0  28
 86. UA9FM          ALEX         27   0   0  27
     EA3FHP         JOSEP        27   0   0  27
     LA9AU          ROLF         27   1  11  15
 89. RK9XX          MIKE         24   0  10  14
 90. PA1V           JAN          22   0  16   6
 91. AH2J           AKI          18   0   0  18
 92. US6IMA         ANDY         14   0  14   0
 93. MD3VMN         VOZ          13   2   2   9
 94. VU3DJQ         RAM          11   0   0  11
     9A3MA          ALEN         11  11   0   0
 96. IK2SAE         PAOLO         9   1   7   1
 97. LY1XM          MILDA         4   3   1   0

more on <www.qsl.net/eusprint>

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