[CQ-Contest] Fw: GB> 2003 John Hern Memorial Glowbug Radio Rally rules

mike l dormann w7dra at juno.com
Mon Dec 22 10:41:32 EST 2003

for those who would like another contest with a vintage slant,

mike w7dra

--------- Forwarded message ----------
From: Conard Murray <cmurray at tntech.edu>
To: glowbugs at piobaire.mines.uidaho.edu
Date: Mon, 22 Dec 2003 10:16:45 -0600
Subject: GB> 2003 John Hern Memorial Glowbug Radio Rally rules
Message-ID: <06e301c3c8a6$fe9db2e0$0a2a9595 at ece.tntech.edu>

The 2003 John Hern Memorial Glowbug Radio Rally

~ Rules ~

Contest Period
0000 to 0800Z Dec 30, 2003. That is Monday evening US time.

Operator Classes
Single band and all band QRP, QRO and QRO+
Single operator/Multi operator OK, one signal per band  
QRP is 5 watts out or less
QRO is 125 watts out or less
QRO+ is anything over 125 watts out.

Honest RST, Name, QTH and rig info. 

1 per contact per band. Work stations again on different bands. CW and
phone are separate bands. RTTY counts as CW. Real QSO points .... 1
point for every 5 minutes in HF QSO with another GBRR participant. If
things get slow, you can still accumulate points! If you decide to QSO a
station you have previously worked, you may do so without counting the
first contact as a dupe. Round tables are OK too, but each station must
take its turn and can only take credit for time spent in the table.

1 for each state you work, x2 for homebuilt gear and x2 for vacuum tube
gear, x1 for store-bought or non-VT. 
Homebuilt is anything you personally built. Count points for transmitter
and receiver.
Homebrew VT transmitter + solid state store-bought receiver = 5 
Store-bought SS transceiver = 2 
Heath HW101 somebody else built = 4 
Drake 4-line or TR-4 = 4 
Yaesu FT-857 = 2
Elecraft K2 you built = 4 
Elecraft K2 you built driving a pair of 4-1000A = 4, but a little
louder. Homebrew VT transmitter and receiver = 8 

Multipliers for different lash-ups don't combine .... if you use
different rigs then the multiplier only counts for the contacts you make
with that setup. Possible multiplier for number of OO cards and TVI/BCI
complaints you get. 

Signals should be of at least 1929 quality before midnight (0600Z). In
no instance should any electromagnetic, acoustical or olfactory
radiation from your station cause interference to another station in any

Scoring will be a little harder since the multiplier can be different at
different times. Do the math. 

Certificates for top overall score and top scores per band for QRO and
Other certificates possible for other outstanding accomplishments and
acts of bravery.

Send logs by January 15, 2004 to WS4S either by USPS or email
(triode at charter.net). In case of a tie, logs scribbled in pencil beat
logs done on computer. The more coffee stains, the better.

The idea here is to have a semi-serious contest with room for fun. I
sincerely hope everyone will at least get on to hand out some points
during the Rally.  

Results will be announced on the list and the Glowbugs web page at

Address queries to Conard, WS4S at triode at charter.net . This address
will only be valid for the contest. 

Good Luck and hope to hear everyone on!

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