[CQ-Contest] Changing powers

Carsten Esch Carsten.Esch at APPELLO.DE
Mon Feb 17 10:30:39 EST 2003


I was one 'of these guys' 'changing power'. Using my 85ft freestanding
vertical for 160/80/40m I was operating 'high power' but I also gave away
some points on 20/15/10m using the same antenna matched with the inbuilt
tuner of the FT1000MP-V. So I decided to give 'lower power' on the high
Anyhow I think that the exchange is still not checked by log processing? 
Also ARRL rules say "4.2. DX stations send signal report and power (NUMBER
indicating approximate transmitter output power)." So what about  a 599k or
599kw received ;-)

I think you are right in saying log what you receive


Carsten, DL6LAU

I'm sure this has been discussed before, but... How does ARRL deal with
changing exchanges w/log checking for the DX contest? I worked a few guys
who gave me different powers on different bands. I worked other guys who
gave me a serial number on one band, then figured it out, and gave me a
power later on another band. One thing I didn't get this year were any zone
numbers. You're gonna say just log what was sent, right? :.) Barry, W2UP--
Barry Kutner, W2UP Internet: w2up at mindspring.com
<http://lists.contesting.com/mailman/listinfo/cq-contest> Newtown, PA
Frankford Radio Club 

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