[CQ-Contest] Teams-NAQP RTTY

Larry L Lindblom llindblom at juno.com
Thu Feb 20 00:58:32 EST 2003

We are now up to eight people playing with TCG on NAQP RTTY teams.

Those signed on so far include:


If you sent an e-mail and don't see your name on the list let me know.

There is room for any and all who want to play on a team.  We don't care
if you are a big gun or just out to have fun.  Truth is we like big
scores but even more than that we want to have fun and enjoy what we do.
So no matter what your intentions if you'd like to play with us on a team
send me an e-mail and I'll take care of the details.

And, since the bullies have promised to kick dirt in our faces we might
have to have some dirt devils handy .  Hey, but without us who would they
have to work but each other!

73 W0ETC in IA 

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