[CQ-Contest] Any site w/CQ 160m SSB Results?

Jason Armentrout - N4DSL n4dsl at atrs.com
Mon Feb 24 18:22:06 EST 2003

Thanks to all that replied. I have located which issue in CQ the
results were in with the help of David Thompson.


Sunday, February 23, 2003, 3:26:15 PM, you wrote:

JAN> Hi I am trying to find results of Previous CQWW 160m contests. The CQ
JAN> Website doesn't seem to have them anywhere on their site, like the
JAN> ARRL does. I just started subscribing to CQ and I don't have last year's
JAN> results. I participated in the contest this weekend and wanted to
JAN> compare my score to last years results.
JAN> Any websites with this information would be appreciated, or if someone
JAN> could email me past years results. I have
JAN> searched on google with different phrases and come up with nothing.

JAN> Thanks

JAN> -
JAN> Jason Armentrout

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