[CQ-Contest] 160 SSB and CQing

Peter Barron ve3pn at igs.net
Wed Feb 26 06:36:58 EST 2003

My comments  on this one whilst the noise, noise, noise, noise, noise    is
still ringing in my ears

1 It was after all CONTEST

2 What are  slow times in NA are very busy elsewhere

3 Several European Stations were loud all thorough contest but could not be
raised even after many calls yet others further away were worked on 1st

4 Not everyone can tune their antenna high very in the band , without
something going bang!! Sorry BANG

5 At least here 25 miles East of Ottawa the noise levels (NOT QRM) were the
problem the noise levels on the beverages was S8 at worst, and on the dipole
it was 30 dB over . And was cycling p and down every 45 minutes. The
snowfall was heavy and 50 MPH winds didn't help  I did not even try using
the Vertical on Rx due to the noise levels.

6 At times the static changed to 1second Ticks about 40 over , if wasn't for
the high snow fall and wind I would have gone to unplug the defective farm
fence !!  At times stations were inaudible on any beverage antenna but very
loud on the Tx dipole or other Rx antenna's.

7 The difference between the East coast and Ontario to Europe is at least
20dB  at peak times

8 Some propagation paths are only open a few minutes (ok maybe quarter an
hour if your lucky ).

9 I will be adding a footswitch to easily switch my beverages 180 degrees as
this weekend I almost missed several West coast stations whilst I was
listening for Europe. (Including WY and NE) They were totally inaudible on
the Eu beverage!

10 This weekend I worked Europeans through Southern US stations CQ'ing  for
almost half an hour with the Southern US  obviously NOT  copying either side
but working West coast stations !  Guy's and Gal's' this is propagation and
no ones fault!!!

11 Several stations in New England and general East coast were "barely
audible" on any beverage but well over S9 on a 30 ft high flat Rx  dipole
running E/W. It  would be interesting to review their Tx antennas.

12 Maybe it was just this weekend but Virginia , DC and general area was
VERY loud indeed this weekend!


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