[CQ-Contest] Difference between Japanese kenwoods and other?

Jun Tanaka jun at vienna.at
Thu Jan 2 18:56:13 EST 2003


> and those going elsewhere? I have a Japanese 940 which by
> design only has 50 watts output on 10 meters (just discovered
> this on a Japanese website), and would like to know what I
> have to do to get full output on that band?
I looked for my old JA CQ magazine to find the mods among the bunch of them.
Here is the mod for TS940(JA) 100W output on 10m ;
* Remove bottom cover
* Remove R109, just next to R108, which is located middle of right side of
Control Unit.

If you need more detail, please e-mail me direct. There are two photos
associated with the discription.
I hope this helps you.


de Jun

*One of ZL9CI gang who made another history*
e-mail: jh4rhf at arrl.net (ham radio)
          jun at vienna.at

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