[CQ-Contest] DXNL Special Issue - Announcement of DARC 10m-Contest

Mathias Kolpe, DL4MM dl4mm at kolpe.de
Tue Jan 7 23:18:18 EST 2003

Hello contesters,

the DARC committee for DX and HF contesting is happy to invite
you to the DARC 10-m-contest at the next sunday (12.Jan.2003).
That contest is an easy and short one: just one band, just
two hours (0900..1059 UTC) and very simple rules. You can read
them completely at


Spend two ours time and have some fun at sunday morning.
See you then!

Contesters that are still waiting for her award of contests
in the past will get them within a few period. We are
sorry about that but we have had to set the priorities
on the electronic log checking first.


Frank Steinke, DL8WAA
Contestmanager DARC 10-m-Contest
DARC committee for DX and HF contesting

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