utahfolk utahfolk at xmission.com
Fri Jan 10 16:02:18 EST 2003

Contesters ...

For those who are not familiar with a very active contest every First Monday

There is a very nice two hour contest that is held
the first Monday of every month (on QRP freqs) Times are
9-11pm Eastern    8-10pm Central   7-9pm Mountain and 6-8pm Pacific
The exchange is RST SPC POWER .... The activity in this little contest
has become quite high and perhaps you can find the time to join in.

The full rules are on the website  http://www.natworld.com/ars
It is called the SPARTAN SPRINT and there are two classes of
entry ... SPRINT here relates to the length of the contest, nothing to
do with QSY rules of the NAS.

I have no affiliation with the Adventure Radio Society that sponsors
this event ... just a player thinking a whole lot of contesters are missing
a great two hour run ... come join in the fun ... for this little event
can exceed 75 hour!  The more players there are the greater the rates
will be ... Some of the upcoming contesters are among those in this
contest ... join in and add to their fun.

... de dave @ nc7j

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