[CQ-Contest] Going Over to the Dark Side

Matt aa7bg at 3rivers.net
Mon Jan 13 15:00:33 EST 2003

I think some of the hardcore must have heard that unmistakeable WN3VAW
callsign and thought, "Hey, that's a familiar contest call and I haven't
worked him yet!" and started calling. I dunno, but that seems like maybe
that is a possibility.

An interesting thing, but in reverse, sort of happened to me during the
contest. I was CQing away and working a few here and there and some station
came on calling another stateside station over and over. I had not left the
freq at all so I was wondering where the guys receiver was listening cuz he
was loud at my end. I just kept working guys through him and he finally left
without ever making his appointed sked. My guess is his RIT was "in the
ditch" or something.

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