[CQ-Contest] Again?

Dale L Martin kg5u at hal-pc.org
Fri Jan 24 14:53:36 EST 2003

When are people going to realize that performance and ability in contests
does not and should not matter.

Participation, no matter how inept or expert, is what's important.

It is demeaning and degrading to assign ranking based solely on score.

Oh, for the day when just the calls are listed and no scores.  Then, surely,
contest participation will increase beyond our wildest imaginings.

Towards that end, and once that grossly unfair SO2R has been relegated to
it's own category, I propose that limits be imposed on those operators in
whatever category who exceeed CQ mode or S&P mode QSO rates that are greater
than that of the slowest contest operator.

Any rates above that limit must be construed as unfair as that operator
obviously operating at a distinct and unfair advantage over his competitors
and therefore must be restrained.

dale, kg5u

> -----Original Message-----
> From: cq-contest-bounces at contesting.com
> [mailto:cq-contest-bounces at contesting.com]On Behalf Of Scott W4PA
> Sent: Friday, January 24, 2003 2:15 PM
> To: Tom Moore; cq-contest at contesting.com
> Subject: [CQ-Contest] Again?
> WX4TM:
> Let me make sure I understand you correctly:  SO2R operation was
> developed from the existing rule set, and now those same rules
> years later are "grossly unfair" to the SO1R contest participant?
> We should change the rules to inhibit competitive operating
> practices, developed within those same rules, when the raison d'etre
> of radio contesting is just that: to develop operator ability?
> Twilight zone, man, twilight zone.
> Scott Robbins, W4PA
> > So as I see it, while there  appears to be a majority
> > >of rtty contesters who agree that SO2R should be a separate
> > category, no one has stepped forward to organize an effort to present
> > a clear and convinceable case to contest organizers proving their >
> >rules are grossly unfair to the average SO1R contest participant.
> >Until that happens, I doubt we'll ever see any change..
> > >
> > >Tom WX4TM
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