[CQ-Contest] The answer to everybody's question

Kelly Taylor ve4xt at mb.sympatico.ca
Sun Jan 26 10:17:42 EST 2003

Perhaps what we need to keep everybody happy are the following categories:

Your callsign is your category. So who wins in the K4XS category? K4XS DOES!

Who wins in the VE5ZX category? SYL DOES!

Who wins in the VE4XT category? ME!

Who wins in the K1AR category? K1AR!

Then, everybody wins, nobody has to put in any effort at all (categories
should, of course, have a 1 QSO minimum rule), nobody has to build new
antennas, control rotators, develop new operating techniques. You could put
a five-minute maximum on operating time. Then you wouldn't have to blow a
weekend to win a contest. You'd eliminate the offense created by mult
passing as nobody would need mults. We could all sell our towers and replace
them with a bent whip from a broken boom box. Best of all, nobody has an
advantage over anybody!

How you could get more fair than that?

73, kelly

That lump on the side of my face is my tongue pressing hard against the
inside of my cheek.

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