[CQ-Contest] SO2R Setup - Left,Right or Up,Down

Alfred J. Frugoli frugoli at worldlinkisp.com
Tue Jan 28 01:55:29 EST 2003

Hello fellow contesters.

I've seen lots of setups using two rigs in a horizontal orientation (i.e.
rig 1 on the left and rig 2 on the right), but I've seen very few vertical
setups (rig 1 on the bottom, rig 2 on the top).  What are folks thoughts on
this?  Are there reasons for each setup?  I've found that the side by side
seems tiring.  I've got my monitor in the middle, and one rig on each side.
Lots of head/eye movement to see things.  Going to try a vertical setup with
both rigs on one side and would be interested in your thoughts/comments.

73 de Al, KE1FO

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