[CQ-Contest] Band condx - 10/15 for FD 2003

Dick Green dick.green at valley.net
Tue Jul 1 01:04:36 EDT 2003

At W1FN (Twin State Radio Club, NH/VT), our 2A had an A4 tribander at 50', a
40-2CD 2-el 40m at 50', an 80m half-square at about 70' and a 160m
horizontal loop (works on all bands) at about 70'. We did about 2450 QSOs.
Biggest band was 40m with 500-600 QSOs each on CW and SSB, followed by 20m
with 300-400 QSOs each on CW and SSB. 40m and 20m were active almost the
entire time. We only had about 200 on 80m CW and about 75 on 75m SSB. We
didn't start on 80m until early evening and worked it until a little after
sunrise. We had about 10 QSOs on 15m SSB and about 15 QSOs on 15m CW.
Nothing on 10m at all. 6m was very disappointing -- less than 10 contacts.

73, Dick WC1M

> -----Original Message-----
> From: Chuck [mailto:k3ft at erols.com] 
> Sent: Monday, June 30, 2003 11:22 AM
> To: PVRC Reflector; CQ-CONTEST
> Subject: [CQ-Contest] Band condx - 10/15 for FD 2003
> Anyone have any observations on band conditions for FD 
> weekend?  From our location (MDC, 900 feet AMSL, trapped 
> 80-10M vertical, CW only op)  we observed the following as we 
> checked the bands in morning, afternoon, evening, and overnight.
> 80 - later afternoon - morning (right before D/E layers 
> fattened back up) was about average props from MDC 40/20 
> active and busy the entire time 15 - only heard sporadic 
> stations, only worked 30 folks or so on Sunday 10 - Quieter 
> than a receiver with the antenna disconnected and the gain 
> turned down.
> Understand prop forecast had active geomag field and VHF was active.
> looking for other observations/anecdotes
> 73
> Chuck K3FT

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