[CQ-Contest] Re: Band condx - 10/15 for FD 2003

Ward Silver hwardsil at centurytel.net
Tue Jul 1 10:17:45 EDT 2003

> Anyone have any observations on band conditions for FD
> weekend?  From our location (MDC, 900 feet AMSL, trapped
> 80-10M vertical, CW only op)  we observed the following as we
> checked the bands in morning, afternoon, evening, and overnight.

Daytime conditions were poor out here on the West Coast, but there was one
magic moment.  The W7DX 80m CW operator, NG7Z, was pretty surprised to be
called by M8AA at 0530Z - dawn on the eastern terminus!  He confirmed the
call as another station called in to work M8AA right afterwards.  Wow!  Not
expected with 100 watts and an extended double Zepp at 40'.  Station QTH was
on a saltwater beach, so that must have helped.  Vive la sunrise openings!

Field Day never ceases to amaze me...

73, Ward N0AX

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