[CQ-Contest] computers ruined contesting

Bill Turner w7ti at ispwest.com
Fri Jul 4 09:13:13 EDT 2003

On Thu, 03 Jul 2003 12:57:00 -0700, "Alan C. Zack"
<k6acz at earthlink.net> wrote:

>Maybe they
>would get my call OK but not the portable DU1.  So in many logs I was
>logged as K6ACZ/DU or /DU1 instead of the DU1/K6ACZ I submitted my log


The call should be logged exactly as received, and if it is not what
was sent, should be disqualified.  To do otherwise is to invite chaos.

Part of the skill of contesting is getting everything right.  Get
something wrong, no contact.

73, Bill W7TI

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