[CQ-Contest] computers and checking

David L. Thompson thompson at mindspring.com
Tue Jul 8 19:29:04 EDT 2003

There must be human intervention to look at the UBN's and add some back.
Every year in the CQ 160 contests VY2ZM is kicked out as its logged as VY2
or PEI rather than PE. (never kicked out as a NIL).  KH6DX sends KH6DX/M6
and the permutations of the call are almost enless so I look at that too.
If a contest does not not have this human look see (there are easy to read
reports and pull down lists of uniques with busts and bad calls in different
colors) then mistakes will be made that could be corrected.

As smart as the computer cehcking programs are poor W3WW and K4WW get kicked
out as K3WW and N4WW busts (no so usually).  Both have even submitted logs
in the recent past.

There is no perfect log checking.  There will always be a few uniques that
pop in that cannot be verified.   I just hope that kicking out uniques does
not become common as that penaltizes the station and op who have gone to
great effort.  However, I believe there is a limit to uniques and have built
that into my programs.  This is one area where contests can vary greatly.  A
10 meter contest will normally have many more uniques than one run on 160.
I am finding that with the new log checking techniques that more than 50% of
the so called uniuues are busts up from say 10% for older log checking

Log checking will continue to evolve...we can thank Don N4IN (SK) for really
iimplementing a system for UBN's..and he did it on a TRS-80 not a high
powered PC running 2Mhz+ and XP!

73 Dave K4JRB

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