[CQ-Contest] Changing Radios in WRTC-Style Competition

Ward Silver hwardsil at centurytel.net
Thu Jul 10 09:41:35 EDT 2003

Jan OK1QM asked...

> We are studying the rules now. I think that we understand correctly all
> rules with only one exception:
> (5) Operators may use either radio at any time within the limitations of
> IARU rules.
> Do we understand it correctly that for example one operator runs on radio
> (let´s call it A) on 20 and the second is listening on radio B on 40 and
> when the ops want to change they can do it without physically changing at
> their radios?

Yes - that is correct. The team does NOT have to physically change radios.
You must only comply with the IARU rules for multi-single stations. This
should be as much fun as possible :-)

Correction on team call - the team representing the great state of Ohio will
be using the callsign K8AJS, not W8.  Apologies to the Buckeyes...

We are now up to 17 teams - a new list will be posted to the Web site
shortly - with the addition of The Michigan Mud Ducks, N8RY and KB8RJU, and
Empanada's Team, LU7DW and LU1AEE.  North and South America and Europe are
represented.  Is there an Asian or Oceanian team out there?

73, Ward N0AX

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