[CQ-Contest] massaging the logs

Kelly Taylor ve4xt at mb.sympatico.ca
Sat Jul 19 16:22:19 EDT 2003

Just because a rule may be unenforceable doesn't mean it has no value. Many
rules are completely unenforceable yet are valued by honorable operators as
guidelines to operating in an ethical manner. (I mean, how many stations of
a certain Mediterranean country really are running only 400 watts? Does that
mean that rules demanding compliance with national regulations are void?)

Post-contest corrections based on real-time notes (you realized as you hit
enter that the call was KR2Q, not KR23Q but your rate was such you couldn't
edit it then so you left yourself a note) are not wrong. The note you left
yourself is a part of the log. (Catching KR23Q while reading the log later
is also only finding a valid typo. I wouldn't consider changing it then to
be wrong, either. This ain't typing class, folks.)

If the sponsors don't wish honorable operators to record their contests and
use the recordings for post-contest cheating, they should say so, regardless
of whether the rule is enforceable.

73, kelly
----- Original Message -----
From: "Chuck" <discreetly_confidential at yahoo.com>
To: "CQ Contest" <cq-contest at contesting.com>
Sent: Friday, July 18, 2003 8:28 AM
Subject: [CQ-Contest] massaging the logs

> Honestly, I have to wonder WHY all the concern
> with someone who records the entire contest that
> transpired at THEIR station going back and doing
> some 'after contest' review.
> Time limits are not going to stop someone who
> wants to do it. If they want to do it.. they'll
> make the time necessary to meet any deadline.
> If you impose an artificial deadline to deal with
> a 'problem' such as this, you risk damaging those
> folks who are not affected.
> There is not ONE person who has not gone back
> 'post-contest' and made
> corrections/changes/additions' to their logs
> based on notes, recalled items, or observed items
> from other sources that drove them to do 'post
> contest' work.
> One benefit of folks doing this is that if they
> BUSTED YOUR call and their post contest work
> FIXED it.. then you might just be saved from a 3
> QSO penalty along with them. If it happened to be
> a mult.... well.....
> Strikes me as a tempest in a teapot.
> 73
> Chuck K3FT
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