[CQ-Contest] Packet

Prof. Dr. Andreas Gissel gissel at fh-ludwigshafen.de
Tue Jun 3 11:48:12 EDT 2003

-----Ursprüngliche Nachricht-----
Von: Prof. Dr. Andreas Gissel [mailto:DL3YBM at t-online.de]
Gesendet: Dienstag, 3. Juni 2003 10:16
An: Prof. Dr. Andreas Gissel
Betreff: Fw: [CQ-Contest] Packet

*** snip, snip

> At 11:37 AM 6/18/2003, Bruce Sawyer wrote:
> >G4BUO wrote:
> >
> > >>Just make it legal to everybody.
> > >>This was done in Germany with the WAE-Contest very successfully.
> >
> > >I disagree that it was successful. A lot of us stopped entering
> > >the WAE contest when DARC took this step. Packet assistance
> > >is fundamentally different from single operator. You're benefitting
> > >from hundreds of people tuning the bands and finding stations
> > >for you to work. This is what makes it essentially different from
> > >other technological assistance such as auto band switching,
> > >memory keyers, SO2R, etc.
> >
> >I agree completely with Dave's comments (though not with his spelling
:-) ).
> >The Russian DX Contest is another event which allows unlimited use of
> >packet, and after my less-than-happy experience with that event this past
> >March I think I'll pass in the future on contests (such as RDXC and WAE)
> >which allow single-ops to use packet.  The problem, as usual, was that I

*** snip, snip

Hi all,

just one more comment on the success or lack thereof concerning the use of
packet in WAE:

I thought it might be interesting to gather some statistical data rather
than express my individual opinion (which, BTW, doesn't contain a whole lot
more info than my opinion, right?).
Tnx to Ben, DL6RAI, who provided the participation figures (see below).
Packet use seems to have been allowed for everyone around 1990. Seems to me
the most obvious is a strong seasonal trend probably related to the sunspot
cycle ...

Vy 73 de Andy, DL3YBM

        year          total     CW   SSB  RTTY
        waedc1974       885     523  362    0
        waedc1975       988     547  382   59
        waedc1976      1259     710  483   66
        waedc1977      1213     683  450   80
        waedc1978      1217     672  484   61
        waedc1979      1206     637  510   59
        waedc1980      1172     645  464   63
        waedc1981      1261     658  527   76
        waedc1982      1172     600  498   74
        waedc1983      1187     602  513   72
        waedc1984      1110     560  471   79
        waedc1985      1076     583  414   79
        waedc1986      1083     586  407   90
        waedc1987      1240     682  468   90
        waedc1988      1334     710  531   93
        waedc1989      1375     686  586  103
        waedc1990      1208     635  573  101
        waedc1991      1038     542  496   97
        waedc1992       977     467  420   90
        waedc1992       977     467  420   90
        waedc1993      1142     548  484  110
        waedc1994       981     483  408   90
        waedc1995       920     447  369  104
        waedc1996      1054     464  436  154
        waedc1997      1099     494  460  145
        waedc1998      1317     576  558  183
        waedc1999      1357     598  534  225
        waedc2000      1285     473  545  267
        waedc2001      1577     671  619  287
        waedc2002      1638     652  662  324

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