[CQ-Contest] Re: Just say no

Tom Osborne w7why at charter.net
Wed Jun 4 05:07:25 EDT 2003

----- Original Message -----
From: <n4gi at tampabay.rr.com>
Subject: Re: [CQ-Contest] Re: Just say no

> I think the legalization of automatic self-spotting is the only
rational answer.

I know some more rules we could change for the better!!

1.  No power limits--qrp vs hp--same catagory
2.  No more m/m--everyone for himself
3.  Do away with 10 mimute band change
4.  Don't send in logs--nobody cheats anyway.  Just go  by  claimed
score.  Print up your own certificate.
5.  As many ops as you want--still claim SO (as long as only one op is
operating at a time).
6.  Hire big guns to come run your station.  Pay them by the contact.
7.  Get a callsign in a rare country then pay someone to go operate
for you.

I can see where these rule changes would really make contesting more

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